Flame Feedback requests implemented in Flame 2024.1 Update

Hello Everyone,

Here’s the list of requests submitted at flamefeedback.autodesk.com that have been implemented in the Flame 2024.1 Update.

Thanks to all of you who are using this platform.

FI-00114 Publish: Adaptative height resize to keep original ratio

FI-00192 Tools Resize: Percentage-based resizing

FI-00531 Batch: Search for nodes in the User / Project bins using a keyboard shortcut.

FI-00852 Resize: Ability to remove a Resize TL FX on a single source clip.

FI-01088 Timeline: Collapse all audio tracks.

FI-01245 Batch Resize Node: Add a preference to define the resizing method

FI-01608 MediaHub Import: Custom Resolution should default to the source’s resolution.

FI-02058 Batch: Have Shared User Bins

FI-02774 Batch: Improve Node bin management

FI-02831 Resize Node: Improvements so no filtering is introduced when cropping a clip.

FI-02930 Metadata Overlay: Burn the Metadata on a clip during Media Export

FI-02978 Timeline FX: Add PyBox as a Source Timeline FX option to help with BLG use.

FI-03004 Batch: Ability to add presets for Paste Special

FI-03008 Metadata Overlay: Add support in Batch

FI-03018 Batch: All nodes should be added under the cursor with Duplicate & Keep Connections

FI-03039 Modular Keyer: Add the Posterize node

FI-03041 Modular Keyer: Add support for the Blur node in Matte Blend


Great. Thanks Fred and team!

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Thank goodness we finally got the Posterize node into the Modular Keyer. I know I’ll sleep a little easier tonight!

(Thanks, Fred and team!)


Ha! It sounds silly but Posterize is a great little tool to tweak black and white levels of keys so it’s definitely not wasted effort.

It was my request. Don’t be shitty.

I haven’t used the MK in almost a decade, so that was an easy shot to take. I’m glad you’re getting your bugs fixed!

I love the ability to have the blur node work in mattblend


It’s my fav part of every sw release. Thanks, Fred and the entire Dev Team!

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Doing the Lord’s work!

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