Hello Everyone,
Here’s the list of requests submitted at flamefeedback.autodesk.com that have been implemented in the Flame 2024.1 Update.
Thanks to all of you who are using this platform.
FI-00114 Publish: Adaptative height resize to keep original ratio
FI-00192 Tools Resize: Percentage-based resizing
FI-00531 Batch: Search for nodes in the User / Project bins using a keyboard shortcut.
FI-00852 Resize: Ability to remove a Resize TL FX on a single source clip.
FI-01088 Timeline: Collapse all audio tracks.
FI-01245 Batch Resize Node: Add a preference to define the resizing method
FI-01608 MediaHub Import: Custom Resolution should default to the source’s resolution.
FI-02058 Batch: Have Shared User Bins
FI-02774 Batch: Improve Node bin management
FI-02831 Resize Node: Improvements so no filtering is introduced when cropping a clip.
FI-02930 Metadata Overlay: Burn the Metadata on a clip during Media Export
FI-02978 Timeline FX: Add PyBox as a Source Timeline FX option to help with BLG use.
FI-03004 Batch: Ability to add presets for Paste Special
FI-03008 Metadata Overlay: Add support in Batch
FI-03018 Batch: All nodes should be added under the cursor with Duplicate & Keep Connections
FI-03039 Modular Keyer: Add the Posterize node
FI-03041 Modular Keyer: Add support for the Blur node in Matte Blend