Hello Everyone,
Here’s the list of requests submitted at flamefeedback.autodesk.com that have been implemented in the Flame 2025. Thanks to everyone taking the time to add requests and vote.
FI-00049 Shortcuts: Use different shortcut profiles based on which area of the software you are working in
FI-00064 Timeline: Display the Information window of a clip when Alt-click is used on a Timeline tab
FI-00253 Media Export: Migrate Presets from previous versions
FI-00277 Timeline: Ability to reorder sequence tabs.
FI-00468 Clamp: Add more options such as customizable range for the min and max clamp.
FI-00571 Workflow: Ability to add items to the Presets dropdown from within the application.
FI-00856 Colour Warper: Add Proportional button to Blur X & Y
FI-00903 Conform: Set a default set of Match Criteria for all projects.
FI-00934 Preferences: Ability to save and load user preferences on network/cloud
FI-01067 Tools: Apply back the Grain removed with Denoise.
FI-01239 Media Panel: Use the Sequence Reel icon inside the Libraries
FI-01249 Media Panel: Allow a clip to be opened as a sequence from the MediaHub tab
FI-01282 UI: Ability to move the dialog/windows outside of the screen
FI-01556 Preferences: Make the Broadcast Toolbar status user-based instead of project-based.
FI-01927 Configuration: Centralize all settings and variables so they can be applied at a facility level.
—> Not all has been done, but progress has been made.
FI-02121 User: Remove the need to create a new user profile for every version.
FI-02498 User: Migrate custom Presets from the Presets drop down when creating a new user.
FI-02536 Configuration: Easily shared presets/settings across multiple workstations.
FI-02554 Timeline: Add Selected Sequences to the Scope options of Duplicate Connected Segment
FI-02608 UVWarp should inherit the colour space from the Front input, not UV
—> The UVWarp32 Matchbox shader has been replaced by the STMap node.
FI-02742 Timeline: Ability to hide the Source Timeline
FI-02897 Tools: Update Lens Distortion
FI-02927 Media Export: Ability to add User-based Export Presets
FI-03084 Keyboard Shortcuts: Allow revert on a single shortcut.
FI-03086 Conform: Shot name should be kept after re-conforming
FI-03089 Timeline: Select the Source tab when a source is double-clicked in the Media Panel
FI-03172 Backburner: Ability to sort tasks in the Backburner Monitor application
FI-03178 Image: Animate the selection icon for the Human body selective
FI-03177 Timeline: Have a keyboard shortcut to go to the bottommost track
FI-03178 Keyer: Ability to invert the matte output
FI-03208 Installation: Enable the Full Disk Access setting on macOS
—> A Warning dialog is now shown when the Full Disk Access is not enabled for the application and its services.