Flame News?

Is there a searchable archive somewhere? Just curious…

You mean from like years ago? Like when there were subjects like “fucked by Batch?”


Yes and yes. How specific you were there @ytf


$5 says Tim has all of the emails saved somewhere.

Could it be still live on usenet?

@cnoellert : It was either that or the bagel thread.
@randy : You lose.


I still have some of it. :wink:

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I always preferred the sequel thread: “fucked hard by coloured frame.”


Oh and who can forget “pixels vs scanlines?”


Or the poor fellow who posted his letter to his divorce lawyer by accident . . . .


and those “out of office” loops of email doom.

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flame noose…

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Date: Mon, 4 Mar 1996 02:29:20 -0500
To: beak@discreet.com.sg
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I may have a few years of selects, 1996-1998, not sure if that helps


once I find a new place to live and can hook my machine up… I know if have an archive of flame-news. Not sure how extensive it is though.
Are you looking for anything specific?

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FOIA request: any and all materials related to NY vs Toronto bagels. Thanks.

everyone GIF

Honestly I’d be down for figuring out how we could do an online archive. I don’t know that I’m looking for anything in particular really…

Maybe more just a trip down memory lane.

Yeah it would be nice to have them all in one place, if for nothing else than nostalgia. Also perhaps interesting from a history perspective in a more long term fashion. What was cutting edge in our lifetimes has changed so much, surely someone 50 or 100 years from now would appreciate the Source Material :slight_smile:
What I have are .mbx files, that go with .toc files to form a mailbox on (then Eudora) now thunderbird. I think those are standard to other email apps as well. It would take me a while to dig them out and review, but I’d be happy to contribute what I have. I think in later years I had a folder/mbox called “keepers” which were from the list, so I by no means have a complete archive.
I recall a long time ago that Chris Howard said he had some archives as well. He might be worth a ping.
Surely there has got to be a retired Discreet employee that saves the who shebang somewhere?

As a friendly reminder guys, Flame News is now a defunct platform with obsolete terms and conditions and are non compliant with current international data privacy laws.

Don’t forget that access to data and your legal right to share it are two separate matters. Especially on anything you don’t own.

If you want to dig something up, make sure you pile the dirt somewhere else.

I’m sorry to shit all over your Wacom tablets but unless you wanna deal with all the crazies this Autodesk Marketing Shill needs to sit this one out.

Wow. Imagine holding a copyright on “Fucked by Batch.”

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