I've been using flame for decades and I still don't know

–Which of my batch renders is the latest one.

What are some flame things you certainly could know, and probably should know, but do not know (and will not learn)?


Do you mean the seemingly random order that batch renders are placed in the media panel to the side? There are some things in life that simply never shall have an answer. Bask in the not-knowing.


You still render? You don’t write?


Ok… I still don’t know how selection order works. I look it up once a year.

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It Selects. Orderly.


There’s a pretty simple solution.

Rename your render node like this:

Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 6.59.36 PM

Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 6.57.26 PM

Let the machines do the busy work, safe the brain power for more fun things….

I think credit for this goes to Christoph, saw that in a fxphd course. Not sure though… Didn’t grow on my dung heap. Though I do use that for many renders, including in the MediaHub now.


I always rotate on the wrong axis first.

If I am trying to spin, I will flip it backwards. When I want a flat plane I will spin it first, just to make myself look stupid :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I do this from 40 year old muscle memory. It’s how it worked in the ADO and K-scope.


I love selection order. It even works when you are importing multiple clips or audiotracks. Whenever I’s importing 5.1 audio I select it as L,R,C,Lf,Ls,Rs and stereo pair and it drops it into the mediapanel in that order.

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For sure… I was talking about the function syntax which I always forget :joy:

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Oh, yeah right. That too.

When trimming the heads on the timeline, I still don’t know if I should do + or - to trim in a specific direction.

Adjusting the tails I know…


I never render to the default batch renders location,I always set a render reel in my batch so it renders to my batch schematic and always iterate up, whenever I make any changes, regardless of whether It’s published. I also always increase the version number so I always know which is my latest render.
And yes, reneder before writing out, just in case theres any errors.

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To move the image to the right in action or resize, do I need to drag the mouse to the right in the parameters or the left? Oh to late, wrong direction again.


I feel your pain. This happens to me daily. Lol.


I’ve gotten so used to doing it backwards in Resize that I generally screw it up when I have to use a timeline Action!

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Ahh is that why I do it too. I lived and breathed ADO back in the day.


it’s so weird that the resize values in the resize node and 2d transform are opposite!


Different dev teams. There are multiple instances where Opacity/Transparency are backwards as well, and the word colour/color and center/centre are dispersed in various ways.

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