Flame user settings coming from Avid


I’m beginning to learn flame coming from media composer and will need to switch between the 2 regulary.

Is anyone doing this currently? What have you found is the best approach with user settings? Try and fight flames default and customise everything as close to avid as possible? or attempt to learn 2 sets?

I’ve been running this way for years. Feels like a dirty secret but I find it’s the best way if you are back and forwards between avid.
Flames timeline is awesome, it’s default key layouts are madness.
Use the flame hotkeys as a starting point and go from there. Flame keeps key assignment separate for different parts of the software so anything you change in the timeline/editing categories won’t upset the other toolsets which I suggest leaving alone.
Every key on an avid keyboard is in there somewhere other than the track patching & multicam which doesn’t exist.

You will need to learn the flame defaults eventually.

When I was using Flame and Avid concurrently a bunch I found it easier to just learn two keysets. If you ever used FCP the smoke hotkeys will be familiar, and in general are a bit closer to what you’ll find in most NLEs.

Just want to add to this and say some features or hot keys don’t function the same way you would expect them to in any other NLE like Avid.

A good example is match frame. I Avid or Premiere match frame will match back to that frame in your source media, in the bin that source clip came from.

Media and sources just flat out don’t work that way in Flame. If you use match frame in Flame it will prompt you which reel do you want to match that clip out to. It basically creates a duplicate of the clip with the same in and outs.

Same thing if you tried to offline and reconnect media in a bin or folder in a library in Flame. That won’t throw that media offline everywhere the source clip is used like you might expect. Essentially as soon as media is cut into a timeline it creates a new clip, independent of that clip anywhere else (unless you link them based on sources with Connected Conform.) Still connect to the same source media on disc, but it’s own entity within Flame.

This whole concept tripped me up at first coming to Flame compared to any other NLE. And it was trying to use match frame that made it really clear what was happening.

Instead of Match, you can try using the “Reveal Segment In Media Panel” shortcut (or “Reveal in Media Panel” from a segment context menu). It should do something similar to what you are looking for.

I’ll take a look at reveal segment, but reveal in media panel does not do the same thing.

The way match frame works in every other NLE is that it will send you to the exact frame from the timeline in the source clip. And Resolve and Premiere as I recall, it will then also mark the same ins and outs on that source clip.

Admittingly I don’t run into a need for this as much for conform, finishing or VFX. But from a creative editing standpoint match frame is something I would use all the time.