I’m running v1.3
I checked the terminal and saw these errors which say it can’t see headers with timecode - when I open the csv in libre calc, I can see timecode headers
No timecode found. The CSV needs a header that reads ‘Timecode In’.
No timecode found. The CSV needs a header that reads ‘Timecode In’.
VM load pref failed loading /var/tmp/tmp269 with error 6
Sucessfully created marker at 00:00:29:13
VM load pref failed loading /var/tmp/tmp269 with error 6
Sucessfully created marker at 00:00:38:19
A Marker already exists at the location.
Couldn’t create marker because of error: A Marker already exists at the location.
Sucessfully created marker at 00:00:56:18
No timecode found. The CSV needs a header that reads ‘Timecode In’.
No timecode found. The CSV needs a header that reads ‘Timecode In’.
No timecode found. The CSV needs a header that reads ‘Timecode In’.
No timecode found. The CSV needs a header that reads ‘Timecode In’.
No timecode found. The CSV needs a header that reads ‘Timecode In’.
No timecode found. The CSV needs a header that reads ‘Timecode In’.
Sucessfully created marker at 00:01:03:24
No timecode found. The CSV needs a header that reads ‘Timecode In’.
No timecode found. The CSV needs a header that reads ‘Timecode In’.
Sorry, I’m probably using an older version of the script. I always have to remove the top row of headings which doesn’t have TC in it, otherwise it breaks
Anyway you beat me to it @john-geehreng! It was the duplicate entries which were still catching me out.
The last time I used this script it didn’t like multiple comments on the same time code. We often get rounds of feedback from the director and then maybe the creatives join in and either agree or offer an alternative comment but all at the same place on the edit.
Hello John, I am trying to use this script but i get the error in the console that says The location is outside of the Marker’s segment even though that is the start timecode of the clip. Any ideas?
Trying to get v1.3 of @john-geehreng’s script to work and encountering some problems.
I’ve made a test.csv which has required columns, plus one called Vendor.
1 - My project, seq and segments on the seq are all 25fps. Seq and V1.1 segments are all on 10hr TC (V1.1 is a single imported slab of media cut up by EDL, so src/rec TCs are actually the same).
It seems to be parsing the TC wrong, so if
a) I right-click seq in Media Panel and “Add Timeline Markers > Select CSV” it drops two timeline markers but at wrong TC:
10:00:00:00 on csv becomes 19:59:59:24 on timeline
10:00:01:00 on csv becomes 20:00:00:24 on timeline
b) I select all segments on V1.1, right-click and “Add Segment Markers > Select CSV” it errors: Couldn't create marker because of error: The location is outside of the Marker's segment.
This is presumably because it can’t find a 19 or 20hr TC within the 10hr media.
2 - I’m using John’s script unedited, except for adding two lines after comment stuff to move the data from the csv’s Vendor column into marker names:
In case 1a above where I do get some markers (but at the wrong TC), the marker names are not being poulated with the Vendor info and the shell gives Couldn't create marker because of error: 'Vendor'
Maybe m.name isn’t recognised?
Give these a shot. I edited the csv to have an empty “dummy” column at the end and I updated the script a little bit. It’s working for me, but the duration should probably be zero unless you want a longer duration.
Thanks so much John - that works perfectly!
For future ref:
1 - Was the TC issue a 25fps thing?
2 - Dummy column - does it always need more columns than the specified ones to write/read the dictionary correctly?
1 - No, it wasn’t a 25fps thing. There was a “.frame” in the script that should not have been there. You can see it in the code above: m = flame_obj.create_marker(marker_time.frame)
2 - The last item in a column returns with a “\n” at the end, so it was failing to find “Vendors” because “Vendors\n” was returned.
Also when I transfer a real-job csv with 100 or so notes, and apply as segment markers (not timeline markers), it seems to drop two markers at each TC. Not a problem as I can just multi-select and delete, leaving one of each marker. But a bit weird.