EDIT (for a full explanation on my problem read original post below):
OK I looked a few things up and took the plunge and went through some terminal procedures to clean things up - and it is clear to me (sorta) and I am sure I can safely use the “vic” command although I am not able to archive without enough space for 100% safety (a nice catch-22) - but now, in the terminal, I get the message “vic: command not found” - I see vic listed in /opt/Autodesk/bin/ so what’s going on here?
CentOS 8 Flame 2022.2
OK thanks
Hey all! Hope all of you had a Merry Xmas!!
OK I did look up threads about clearing the Framestore but i don’t think I found anything regarding my specific sitiuation…I’ll try to explain fully:
I have a 4x2TB Nvme framestore - and due to having a 6K/8K 50fps project it’s chock full now. As in, 0 (zero!) frames available. After restart it gives me back like 8 seconds of free space, which is not much.
I deleted a Recovered Media project when present (that did help to give me back precious minutes of free space) - but that doesn’t show up now either now - not even sure when it will and when it won’t.
I also tried to carefully delete all renders like batch renders I don’t longer need, and flushed timeline renders, deleted old versions of timelines, deleted old batch iterations, etc etc went through the whole thing couple of times and the best it can give me is 30 seconds of free space which are 99,9% gone again after the next timeline render.
It’s strange because I am pretty sure I should get back at least a few more minutes of free space - this I succeeded in last week after deleting the Recovered Media project, and my current project has not changed much in volume, nearly no change - but like I said, I do not see the Recovered Media project showing up now.
It’s a new machine, so there was only one other much smaller project which for some reason Flame was able to archive - but there were only referenced clips in there so perhaps that worked because it did not need to write away any clips.
I checked that archive to see if everything was there, and deleted the project just to see if that would clean up stuff, but to no avail.
I read about terminal commands to clear the framestore (I’m on Linux 2022.2) which prob should help - but I don’t think I want to do that before archiving first. Yet, and I assume due to the lack of space, Flame will not create the archive because, well, in short it says it can’t write any clips (archiving to big fast network server with loads of space).
I am pretty stuck - I can’t even export a 40sec timeline because it now it won’t even render…
Isn’t there any (safe) way to delete/clear the framestore of unused frames without having to resort to hardcore measures like deleting everything? In the Preferences->Storage page, “Purge this” or “Purge that” don’t seem to be doing anything…
Ok I hope someone can help me hahaha I’m mid-project and I want to fix this before anyone notices
OK thanks in advance!!!