Mac - can't free up framestore

Hi. I’m rarely on a Mac for Flame, and the Mac’s Flame framestore is almost full. So I deleted ALL projects from all versions, and it’s still taking up about 1.2 tb of storage (on the system drive – I know, I know…)

I made an empty dummy project, and Volume Statistics shows 0 video and 0 audio frames, but still taking up 1.2 tb on the framestore. I’ve rebooted the machine, no change still.

Vic commands in terminal are not recognized.

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance. Mac 2025.1

If you are already deleted all the projects it means you no longer need any cache file…so why not delete the cache files too in the StorageMedia folder?

Do you mean manually deleting these folders via Finder? I’ve always understood that you shouldn’t mess with those folders – but if it’s safe I can do that.

Yeh you shouldn’t touch those files while you have an active project that requires those files…but since you already deleted all the projects inside of flame, you dont need them anymore…
Delete the folders inside the cache folder but not the cache folder. Does it make sense? In this case folder 0,1,2,3,4 but not the root folder which in this case is “Flame_storage”.

One of the reasons behind “never touch storage media cache files” is because the project you are working on at the time is looking for those files every single second and flame will get crazy looking for files that doesnt exist but should exist cause you never gave flame the order to delete them so flame will get REALLY SLOW as it is trying to find the files. Flame will hang for really long time until it gave up on the files searching…

This is exactly why we do a project per stone partition. Then when we delete a project, and if there is some detritus left over, we are secure it knowing deleting it won’t mess anything else up.

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That’s not a bad idea. Yeh, just a way to make sure everything is safe. So you create a different cache folder for each project but inside same drive partition/server?

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To run a VIC on a mac you need to type /opt/Autodesk/io/bin/vic

Anyone know how to run VIC on a Mac?

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Hi, on mac are you by any chance using time machine? In that case you can erase old snapshot using a sw like onyx (free). I had similar problem and that solved it.

I had this a while back and had to go through support to clear it:
heres the email I got back:

Hi Paul,

I’ve had a look through all the relevant log and config files and can;t find any specific errors about the cache not being cleared.

I did notice the following:

The vic log shows the batch cache library has 1570 frames listed.

[notice] 144784896 archUtil_Logging.C:328 04/08/24:08:46:23.519 Extracting frames from /opt/Autodesk/clip/stonefs/IWTV_H.prj/Workspace.wksp/Cache.000.clib.
[notice] 144784896 archUtil_Logging.C:328 04/08/24:08:46:23.519 Extracted 1570 frames.

However the cache library doesn’t appear to have been updated after the flushing of the cache for some reason, based on your directory listing on the 9th April:

-rw-rw-rw- 1 paulround staff 206095 29 Mar 08:09 Cache.000.clib

I think moving / copying and deleting the ‘Cache.000.clib’ as suggested yesterday would be the best course of action here to get rid of the 1570 frames listed.
You should then be able to check in the Flame Preferences > Storage > Volume Statistics, the cache frames to see a new value of ‘0’.
Let me know how it goes.

Best Regards,

Mark Taylor (he/him)

I’ve had this happen on my Mac Flame and I noticed the space did come back but the finder didn’t display it. After a few restarts I noticed the space indicator in Finder was slowly changing.

Also did you try pressing the clear buttons in Flame prefs