Gmask tracer mask tangent spinning ninja star style

Am I the only knucklehead that has no idea how to fix gmask tracer mask tangents that freak out and start spinning like ninja stars?

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I just had this the other day and I also would love to hear if there is a way to fix it. I’ve normally noticed it when I make the bad decision to break a tangent mid way through my roto. But in this latest case, I most definitely didn’t do that, so it was double curious.

This is just what our juniors found the other day whilst I was trying to teach them the gmask tracer.

I had no idea how to fix it. 20 years experience! Phfft!

Yeah I read a post somewhere. Where was that? Didn’t @fredwarren reply with a useful suggestion?

Something like using constant as and animation interpolation? I’ll need to have a search to find the response.

Found something on Facebook. Not sure if it is the same.

From @fredwarren

There might be another way I am not thinking of but here's one thing you can do:

1. In GMask Vertices submenu change Shape Animation to Vertex Animation
2. Go to the Animation channel and find the animated tangents under gmask > spline > vertex_#
3. Use the Keep function to only keep the desired keyframe.

Make sure you reset the in_tangent and out_tangent.

Thanks for tracking this down Richard! I’ll give this a shot next time it comes up!

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SO ANNOYING!!! It happens when you add a keyframe to a shape that already has animation keyframes.