Have problem when import fbx 3dtrack for syntheyes

Have problem when import fbx 3dtrack for syntheyes

when import fbx in action and and new layer (still frame from footage) then when join axis fbx track. the problem is my layer is not correct position. i have to manual adjust position and re scale to match the footage.

anyone know how to fix this problem

Unfortunately, I can’t share the personal video I made for myself because the footage but I will try my best to help ya text form. Also, I can’t access my flame on the weekends the screenshots will be shitty :frowning:

  • Add a 3d shape to the SynthEyes axis

  • Draw 3d shape around the area in question (area where you want the still to show up)

  • Pipe in still frame to action

  • Delete still frame surface in the action schematic because you won’t need it for this workflow

  • Add a diffuse map to the first child axis of the SynthEyes axis (Note: make sure the diffuse map is using the correct input. You can re-assign it like you can with action surfaces.)

  • Duplicate the SynthEyes camera

  • Open the duplicated camera’s animation window

  • Keep the frame where your still was made on

  • Change the mapping to projection in the texture module of the diffuse map and change the result cam to the duplicated camera

This should make it so you don’t have to adjust the position of the still :smiley:

I try to do but its not work. If you have the machine can you do screenshot for me ? Thanks @AustinCampbell

I don’t have a machine available. Are you able to hop on a video call and share your screen? I could walk you through it.

@AustinCampbell i dont have machine now. Sorry to bother you but i can wait for your screen shot.

@gumpmick https://youtu.be/TWJx4Nm-eKI


@AustinCampbell Thanks. Its work.