How to un-knowingly soften your image in one easy step

Agreed. Needs to be fixed.

My personal soapbox: It’s incredibly easy to mess up your original plate in flame. Most artists never even notice that they’ve done it, as Filtering is on by default in the viewer. Turn it off if you want to actually control the pixels you are creating.

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We have investigated the issue and found the following problems:

  1. A Mitchell filter is always applied when Crop/Lock Output is enabled.
  2. Even though the Filter selection drop down is grey out when Centre/Crop is selected the last selected Filter is still applied.

We will probably try to unlock the filtering options when Crop/Lock Output and Centre/Crop are selected so you can select the Filter of your choice.

For now, you can:

  1. Keep Crop/Lock Output deselected
  2. Select Crop Edges and set the Filter to Impulse
  3. Select back Centre/Crop
  4. Set the Destination Width and Height to the same value as the Crop Box (beware of decimals)

It is not ideal, but that should allow you to avoid the filtering when you comp it back.


Hi @fredwarren ,
Thanks for the details. When doing a Crop/Lock Output, why would you want the choice of filtering at all, as it essentially should do ZERO pixel filtering other than crops? Resizes are un-available in that mode.

I agree. It all depends on what we can do in the short-term.