Hi everyone.
I just found out last week on a Linux 2021.2 Flame a very unexpected behaviour with resize Node.
Let me explain.
I had from Grading a rush in 3200x1800 that had black letterbox at the top and the bottom. As I don’t want to carry any unnecessary pixel along my batch setups, I did a resize, in Crop mode to remove all the black pixels.
My image went then from 3200x1800 to 3200x1688.
I did all my work (essentially beauty work), and at the end, I put another resize node to add the letterbox back and get my native resolution back.
Very classic and basic thing.
Very annoyingly, when checking between source and result with a difference matte, I found out that even the untouched (by me) pixels where very slightly altered.
After a few tests, I found out that the first resize node, even in crop mode, (and even staying in the legacy correct resolutions of dividable by 4 numbers) Resize applies a filtering that alters the image when cutting out the letterbox.
It definitely shouldn’t.
If I do the same with action (to remove letterbox and then put them back), I have absolutely no difference at the end of the schematic, even with gain at 10.000.
Unless I do something wrong, there’s a quite annoying bug in the resize node.
If anyone has info about that, please let me now, otherwise, I’ll get in touche with dev team via feedback page.
You can find a very light archive of the test I made on a Mac 2022.2 Flame version if you want to check it out.
Thx all.