Light limits?

is there a limit to the number of lights that can be used in a single Action (in Batch)?

I have been getting great results all week but today, the main model within the setup is refusing to react to any of the lights in the scene…Its there, its got the correct textures and colours, but its just a black mass - with no reflections/specularities etc.
I have checked that nothing is hidden or switched off, no light links are in the wrong place.
Only thing i can think of is if i have added one light too many and the oldest lights get ignored.

Any clues what might be causing this problem?


Far as I remember there is a limit of 8 lights per object. That is you can have up to 8 lights acting on a single or group of objects. You can light link them and separate them into groups.

Hope this helps

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thanks Sinan,

i found the problem after rebooting Flame…buried deep in the schematic one node in the middle of things had gotten itself switched to hidden!

and its good to know how many lights can be used…i’m not quite up to eight yet!

FYI, I just used 99 Lights on a Teapot via Replica and that works fine.


impressive, if not slight overkill!

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Ah yes, the ol Teapot Lightdome Scandal


Hahahaha…I was just testing to see if you could use more than 8 objects. Turns out, I got 99 problems by my lights ain’t one.

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Hahah…just a test…Im dangerous when I use lights in Action. And not in a good way!

I guessed you were…impressive dedication to helping!

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We’re not here to not make this place great. Amirite?

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Damn right!

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