Mac M1 verision

Hey all. Ive been testing the new M1 Mac mini and it is blisteringly fast. Thats with resolve 17.1. Can’t wait to see what they do with the mini tower they are talking about and the M1X. Anyhow would love to see some flame support. Anyone know if it is on the cards?


How does the current version of Flame run on the M1 Mini right now? I know it’s not optimized for it, but if it works, how well does it work?

I ask because I have a very old laptop that I use for light Flame work at home sometimes and if a M1 Mini works well with even a non-ARM version of Flame then maybe it would be a good stop-gap investment for me until proper hardware and arrives and Flame gets optimized for it.

I didn’t get a bug chance,. What did work felt very quick and snappy., very fluid interface. Crashed on text and a bunch of other things. I will give it another go later on and get a better understanding


yea would be nice to see how things run on the M1, I imagine autodesk is working on it, since apple is undeniably moving their entire hardware over to it, that being said I am waiting for the 16" mac pro since my laptop is long over due for an upgrade and I seriously doubt that autodesk will have it out before then , maybe end of the year for them but who knows how hard it is to port the app over to run native.

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Any updates on performance of Flame for mid level UHD work ?

The latest version of #AutodeskFlame now supports Apple M1! Blaze through your next project on Apple M1, M1 PRO, and M1 MAX devices. Learn more about the update:

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