Please tell me I’m not the only one that didn’t know about this.
Yeah I knew about those old ones, I just thought the new ones were terrible! And the new ones have integrated nub pullers? Omg. Obvs it doesn’t take much to excite me on a Saturday morning.
I just bought a new pen and I was seriously giddy for that new pen feel.
Yeah man. It’s been like that as long as I can remember.
My old tall cylindrical one is nib-free if that is worth anything. Got the wacom used (I cannot stand the ‘paper-like’ surface on the 6’s), so whoever had it before me took all the goods out.
but my pro-2 pen has a full set.
I actually only found out about this when I swiped my stand from the desk crashing open on the floor…
like when i found out there is a little arrow on my fuel guage that points to the side of the car where the fuel cap is…30 years after i started driving! …and its there on every car.
Hahaha! My 14 year old son showed me the petrol side marker last year! I was as gobsmacked as you !
I knew from log time,m
Welcome @sunnymahour!
3 posts were split to a new topic: Screen capture tricks that will blow your mind