Very often I get asked to do a respeed on a shot and get asked for a90 degree or 180 degree shutter motion blur. How does the shutter in Flames motion blur relate to a camera shutter?
My understanding is that on the scale of 0 - 1, .5 is 180 degrees, 1 would be 360 degrees so on and so forth. Could be wrong though.
.5 is the technically correct setting.
I concur with Britt. 1 is a 360 shutter. 0.5 is 180 and 0.25 is 90.
0.125 is the Saving Private Ryan setting.
Or gladiator! My name is Maximus Decimus Motionblurless, commander of the Felix legions…"
That’s just because mill film was all floctane and accumulation was expensive
“Ryan’s Privates”
Who do you have to fuck to have .5 be the default!
The great Sam Edwards educated me years ago about the .5 setting.
I wonder if this is saved with action default prefs?
So flattered, @GPM. It should be system wide, for timewarps, etc. Best Wishes!
and yet so mild mannered on fxphd!!