Multiple Timeline confusion

There’s always room for improvement, but improvement is a two-way street.

Im asking for a function that let you know where your open/source timeline is at a glance of the Media Panel, …dont you want that??

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I was talking Fred bcos Fred was asking, may be Fred will respond?, I glad Chris likes the idea, YTF probably wishes he invented the idea with Hbomb :joy: :joy: :joy:

I guess they could somehow highlight the name of the open sequence over in the media panel, but would have to do it in a way that shows that it’s not the currently selected thing. shrug

I think its quite simple, it can be simliar to for example when you do a search in the Media Panel, it outlines its location when you select the result.

For me it a no brainer, and I cant believe it hasnt been thought of already, …currently it a bit like working blind folded

??? Now you’re just talking bollux. You asked a question, people offered their suggestions. You even wondered why no one else complains. If you have an idea for an improvement, follow the link I posted. That’s how we get improvements incorporated into the UX.

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YTF your such a kill joy!! …how dare you! talk to me like that! your being a bit of troll, rather than supporting me is that not what Logik is about ?

Check please!


Ugly Betty Fighting GIF

As far as the highlight when looking at timeline, I don’t see the highlight thing in media list as a big deal because you can always double click the tab and the clip is revealed in the media list.

As someone else mentioned I use multiple sequence reels so I can use the dropdown list available in the timeline view: see example. This speeds me up darting to different versions.

But I see a problem when its time to export. You can easily drag the wrong clip out because the last viewed clip in the timeline may not necessarily be the highlighted clip in the media panel. You have to look hard for the little red record icon.
It would be great to have a specific export view that shows the clip highligted in the media panel in a player window. How many times I have to jump back to the timeline to triple check the end tag matches the filename. So having a player window in the export ui would help here.

my 2c

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My point is that we should not have to double tap to see where our source/open sequence is in the Media Panel, it should be indicated with just a glance at the Media Panel. Double tap is not intuitive. Bare in mind i was working on a over 40 sequences that each needed amending and exporting, they all had similar names, that you cant read in full in the tabs.None of the suggestion above would of made it easier.

ie , …I found myself cutting Source-A into Sequence-34 when it was meant for Sequence-35, thinking I was in Sequence-35, (working in Library not desktop) this kind of thing happened a number of times, this should not happen in an editing software and would not of happen in other edit software and would not of happended in Pre-AE. This is a real big design fuckup if you ask me.

The fact that you can search in the Media Panel and select your result, and flame shows you where the location is by indicated with a highlighted outlined is probably basically 90% of the code that could be implemented in relation with the Timelines and Media Panel. Having the ability to see where you are at a glance would improve productivity, and confidence 1000 fold. Its the small things that count the biggest sometimes, remember when copy and pasting nodes was imposible…

Im not sure, but am I right in saying that every other edit software ie Premiere, Avid, Resolve etc you can see the edit your working on at a glance ??

Indicated…how, exactly? In addition somehow to the bright red arrow on the little filmstrip icon over on the left and 2 red sequence tabs?

Notice the different icons @hBomb42?




@hBomb42 have you ever used the search function in the Media Panel?

Quite rarely, but I pretty much only do spot work.

I’m waisting my time here, this place sucks, more than facebook ever did.

Check please!

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In the ShortCut Editor you can use the #522 / #523 to create a one button shortcut to jump and show you the open sequence in the mediapanel. It also highlights it by autoselecting it in the panel while doing so.

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