New Logik Academy Courses for Fall '22!

Hello Logik Friends!

We have 3 NEW Logik Academy courses available!

The Flame Particle System, Part 1 from Sinan Vural. In this series, we first look into the basic parameters of the particle system in Autodesk Flame.
Then we create a confetti setup using a light source as an emitter, generate square particles, use a gravity modifier, spin the particles and make them multicolored. In the second example, we use a white surface as an emitter, displace it with a colored noise to create a volume of particles, and create the Logik logo with stars. The last example shows the use of function manipulator and builds up a turbulence function with adjustable parameters.

My First Linux Flame by Randy McEntee. If you are new to Autodesk Flame, Linux, or Flame on Linux, this video is for you. In this latest installment we cover how to install Rocky Linux 8.5 on a Lenovo P620 and Autodesk Flame 2023.1.

The Logik Portal by Randy McEntee. Created by Flame Artist Mike Vaglienty, The Logik Portal is an application available from within Flame that allows you to access community built Python scripts. In this video, I share some of my favorites.

As always, these are available for free! Thank you to our friends at Autodesk for sponsoring Logik Academy. If you have feedback or suggestions for future Logik Academy courses please send them to



I’m excited to see this.
“I’d like to thank the Academy…”

The way you are manually partitioning is complex and un-neccessary… Even if you do “Custom”, once you delete all the old partitions it is easiest click Auto generate the partitions., also you should be removing all those old EFI boot partitions, as you basically now have 3, and the other 2 were left over from previous installations.

Instead of manually expanding the net mask, just use 24.

Oh yeah, totally, thanks for mentioning that. There are lotsa different ways to do this and in my talking with 5 flame sysadmins, almost all of them had a different way of doing pretty much everything! Some haven’t done swap partitions in 10 years, some follow the Autodesk documentation and build framestores via logical volumes, some do custom partitions, some don’t. At this stage I think the most important thing is to try to cut through all the confusion and make it so someone can do this by themselves with little to no experience in Linux.

I didn’t even cover etc/fstab, root passwords and external storage so maybe one day if there’s enough momentum I’ll add some details.

Thanks for checkin it out.

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