Hello all, I’ve encountered an issue importing a specific PSD into flame (tried both 2022 and 2023), which opens in Photoshop and we’ve opened on another flame system.
I’ve not had any issues with any other PSDs on the same flame (mac), so it seems to be a bit of an anomaly.
Has anyone else had a similar problem and found a workaround?
@randy I’m not particularly shell savvy unfortunately, but @johnt has stumbled on something. I’ve removed the path convert rule and can now pull the psd via media hub into the library but not via import node in batch
And the prize goes to Bernd Hildebrand! I just had a play around with converting all the smart objects to layers and sure enough the PSD can now be opened. Seems strange as I’m on a decent spec MacPro, but good to know what the communication breakdown was here. Thanks so much @hildebrandtbernd
@cnoellert it looks like you’re right - I’ve turned off the path convert and the PSD (original) becomes visible, however NOT through Media Hub, only ⌘+I (Mac) to a reel or library. Media Hub it’s still not possible to import correctly. Batch Import can drag in an empty clip with front and matte outputs so no use there. This is 2022.3 and 2023.0.1
Hi, I have about 40 PSD files in a folder on a mac and flame takes a very long time (about 1 minute) to read the directory. The files I have are all 1584x2376 rgb 72dpi, 1 layer with a mask.They were 300dpi but I resaved them as 72 thinking that this was the problem
Mediahub performance with PSDs has been really, really bad for years. I wish it didn’t lock my machine up for a minute at a time trying to draw the thumbnail or whatever it’s doing!
End GFX mainly but my first job in the industry back in 2001 was getting artwork in a PSD. Making them anamorphic and then saving off a TIFF with embedded alpha.
The advantage to that approach has never left me. Especially nowadays with these ridiculously sized PSD files that I am provided with.
Still predominantly on Linux so I need to jump onto a Mac to modify the file. Sometimes it is just easier for me to save of what I need as an RGBA TIFF (or PNG)