Hey gang,
I am trying to set up a post-export hook to automagically transcode prores-exports to mp4 via ffmpeg.
After a bit of tinkering that works fine for foreground exports. But when submitting exports to the backburner (which is our default way of working) no matter what, the Post-Export Job will fail. I literally used test = "test"
as the only statement in the post_export_asset hook and it still fails.
Is there any other source of information for debugging than /opt/Autodesk/backburner/Network/backburner.log
? Running 2021.1 on CentOS 7.4.
The logs do not reveal much.
2020/10/22 19:23:50 INF Sending instructions for job 'Post Export - WHITE [movie] (19.22.12)' to flame4
2020/10/22 19:23:51 WRN Task error from flame4
2020/10/22 19:23:51 ERR Job 'Post Export - WHITE [movie] (19.22.12)' (#$$??$$##) failed for flame4
2020/10/22 19:23:51 ERR Error message: Cmdjob adapter: Process exit abnormally,Exit code is 1
and mutliple
WRN Could not connect to ::ffff:xx.xx.xx.xx:56449: Connection refused
where xx.xx.xx.xx is the ip of the machine. These errors are not directly related to the post-export but occur on various actions.