Previous versions of Flame on Catalina

A client is asking me to work on Flame 2019 but I can’t load an OS previous to Catalina on my machine. I think that means I can only use 2020 or up but I can’t find an answer - the system requirements for 2019 don’t acknowledge OS updates that were in the future from then and there don’t seem to be system requirements in the downloads section of my Autodesk account. Anybody using 2019 on Catalina or know for sure that it’s not possible?

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Yeah you need to downgrade the OS which is a major deal. You can’t run 2019 on Catalina.


yeah, from my time at Apple, I know that it’s impossible to revert your Mac OS previous to your machine’s incept date ( that was the second take of the “tears in rain” speech in Blade Runner)

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To clarify, the oldest version you can run on Catalina is 2020.3