I want to bring ProRes Raw (Lumix S5 w/ Ninja V) footage into ACES CG projects in Flame but I haven’t figured it out how to keep the color accurate. Since Flame can’t process ProRes Raw, I would need to process it outside of Flame and unfortunately I don’t have Baselight and I tried to use Scratch but it’s UX made me want to punch my screen. The only app that I have that can sufficiently process the plates is After Effects - the problem is that I can’t figure out how to get from AE to Flame without the color getting all wonky. I’ve been processing the footage into VLog but when I export it to Flame or Resolve it looks very dark when I use a VLog to 709 LUT. Is Baselight or Scratch the only way to get it right?
No, apparently, Blackmagic sees ProRes Raw as a competitor to their Blackmagic Raw recorder so it doesn’t work in Resolve.
Download the trial of Filmlight Daylight and use that to transcode from ProRes RAW to EXR might be the simpler option.
If you want to use After Effects to output ACES CG you will need to install Open Color IO. The AE plugin is available here:
If you follow the quick start guide (page3 in the manual) it is simple enough to install.
Once you have it working change Project Settings>Color>32 bits per channel and Working Space>None
Go to your comp and add the OCIO effect Effect>Utility>OpenColorIO to each footage layer
In the Effects Tab set OCIO up as follows:
Hit Convert and set the following settings:
Input Space>The colour space of your camera
Output Space>ACEScg
Hit Display and set the following:
Input Space>The colour space of your camera
Transform>RAW (If you want to preview what your comp will look like in REC709 select it from the drop down menu. Do not use REC709 when you render though)
Render out as 16bit EXR and we should be good to go
Absolute Legend. Thank you!
After Effects now has native OCIO, so you don’t need the plugin described above:
It mostly works as you’d expect - you set a working color space, a display space, and tag your imports.
HOWEVER, when working with ProRes Raw there’s a tiny thing that’s easy to miss, causing you to tear your hair out for hours -
You have to right-click on your footage, go to Interpret Footage → Main, and THEN click on More Options…
That will bring up a window where you can set the Color Space.
From there, you could export to any other format, and import that file in Flame with the Tagged Color Space set the same.
Or, you could go the OCIO route and export from AE as your preferred flavor of ACES. Note that you have to tag your footage again in the Color tab of Interpret Footage.
This workflow is probably not Finn approved, though.
Good luck!
If for some reason you need to return to after effects or something else to process with other parameters, you might want to consider rendering into a prescribed folder structure and gather the versions as an openclip.
Here is a simple pattern based openclip template that you can exploit if necessary:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<clip type="clip" version="5">
<name>MIO Clip</name>
<ScanPattern type="string">/path/to/camera_roll/prores_raw_clip_v{version}/prores_raw_clip_v{version}.{frame}.exr</ScanPattern>
pattern_based-openclip.clip.zip (427 Bytes)