I’m here in Flame 2025.2.2 and Protect From Editing is checked in the prefs and not only are they not protected they’re very confusingly offered to me first:
The way I always understood the Protect from Editing preference was that when it is enabled, sequences in the libraries cannot be modified. That’s not to say that they aren’t visible or accessible, you just can’t do anything with them except move entire sequences into a different reel / folder, rename them, delete them, etc. I typically work with it off so I can’t speak too much to its normal behavior, but I would think that even if you can see them in that Record Area Selection dropdown, you wouldn’t be able to “Edit” those sequences.
For what it’s worth though, to your point, I’m not seeing what you’re seeing on my end and I’m also using Flame 2025.2.2. I have Protect from Editing turned on and I don’t see any sequences / reels in my Libraries dropdown until I explicitly turn off Protect from Editing and then Open one of those sequences in the Library. So not exactly sure why that’s happening for you. But I would say as long as you can’t modify the sequences that it’s pointing you to, then you’re still Protected from Editing like the preference indicates. Unless it’s deeper than this for you.
Nah, I could edit them too. I discovered the fix for at least one project though: Turning Protect From Editing off, exiting preferences, then going back in and turning it back on did the trick.
Honestly the really obnoxious part was the fact the reels in the library were listed before the ones on the desktop.
I have not had this issue (I work with it off) but I’ve had a few other bizarre things like it happen. A big one for me is that my audio monitoring turns itself off randomly. It has happened enough now (4 times) that I know it wasn’t cockpit error. Another thing to note is that after making a change to preferences, you should exit and restart the application. If you crash at any point after changing a pref but before doing a clean exit, I don’t think it is saved. To confuse things more, in the case of my audio monitor, it randomly turns off then gets saved in my prefs, so a restart doesn’t fix it.
Ah, this thread starts to explain seeing “Libraries” in my timelines dropdown menu.
Seems having sequences open on desktop, and then dragging the reel to Library for safekeeping Flame still wants to display that reel as a dropdown option. Regardless of Protect From Editing.