Rename timeline segments as record timecode

Hi everyone. I have dozens of shots (segments) on a timeline. I want to rename each one with its start TC (doesn’t matter why!). Ideally this name would be dynamic and update if the segment gets nudged up or down the timeline, but it doesn’t matter if not.

Is it possible to crowbar existing tokens into achieving this with a single select-all + rename? I think probably not? If not then I guess a python script could do it?

Thanks for any thoughts.

I don’t think it’s possible to do with tokens, so I’d probably do it with a script like this: (1.2 KB)

It’s not dynamic, so you’d have to re-run the script if you slip or edit a segment.


@john-geehreng This is brilliant, thanks so much. I’m going to try to tweak the script to sanitise characters (colons) too, which will be good practice for my non-existent python skills!

This could open up some great workflow improvements for us, so thanks again.

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