Rocky - how to add Flame shortcut to desktop

Here’s another way to add flame to your rc file:

# Add an alias to ~/.bashrc
$ echo 'alias flame=/opt/Autodesk/flame_2025/bin/startApplication' >> ~/.bashrc

# Reload your rc file to enable the alias
$ source ~/.bashrc

# Start flame
$ flame

Well put Phil!

I actually don’t really care for the Desktop Icons… But that extension adds “Open in Terminal” and “Show Desktop in Files” to the contextual menu and THIS I use ALL the time.

In the new Gnome environment you have to click Activities in the upper left and then go all the way to the bottom of the screen to open a Terminal or Open a File Browser. To me this is extremely inconvenient and overcomplicated for actions I need to do many times a day.

Yup, been doin’ this since the switch to Rocky when Autodesk stopped customizing our users. Unfortunately you need a terminal to launch Flame with an alias… See previous gripe with X11 Gnome.

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Ironic, since I was the original poster on this 2 years ago, that now I couldn’t care less and am fine with the dock on the side. I guess I was having a hard time transitioning.


I came here looking to read the Nice DCV thread and saw this one…

Has anyone tried just installing gnome-extensions-app ? (for RL 9.3)
sudo dnf install gnome-extensions-app.x86_64


It gives you the same choices as before – Applications Menu, Desktop Icons, etc.

You still have to create your own desktop file
I just tried it on my test vm and this is what my desktop looks like.

Adsk custom 9.3 iso includes gnome tweaks and Extensions app. No need to install anything. It’s what I’m trying to explain from first posts. :sweat:

yes, yes – you’re right! I spun up the wrong vm (which didn’t have it installed). We’re not actually on RL9.3 I was just updating+testing some of my playbooks on a vanilla install – we’re still on RL8.7 for flame. I have that one user who is really old school about the desktop (including the bg image, shortcuts, and shortcut placement), which is why this thread caught my attention. Thanks for all the helpful posts – it’s almost like a “non-official” user guide!

A couple of extensions:

ArcMenu, to replace “applications” Menu and get a full general menu in windows-style

Add to desktop. to add a “add to desktop” option

With dash-to-panel , or dash-to-dock, really great to to make more friendly gnome