Super Annoying bug

I doubt there’s any fix for this but I thought I’d check.

I spent a couple hours yesterday doing final clean up on a matte, getting rid of a few spots, etc. I had two brushes set, a white one and a black one. I re-opened the batch this morning and discovered for a bunch of frames it had combined all the strokes on the frame into one selectable stroke in edit and made all the strokes on that frame either white or black with predictably not useful results. Either a bunch of white spots outside the matte or a bunch of black spots in the matte. I fixed a couple of frames, it wasn’t all of them, and it promptly did it again. This is flame 2024.2.1 on linux.

Any thoughts or am i just hosed?

No idea about this particular example but we come across bugs in our paint nodes, Flame 2023.3.

A solve for us can sometimes be as simple as disconnecting and then reconnecting the paint node.

Also Consolidated has been know to cause problems.

That sounds like consolidate gone wrong - not realizing that you have different brushes. Likely a bug. But unless it’s a million strokes, maybe turn off consolidate for now?

It is a decent number of brushes but I would rather have them work. Turning consolidate off for now and seeing if that helps, thanks guys!

The part of consolidate that actually used to work seems to no longer work that well. I can’t put my finger on it, but I’ve found it’s best to keep it off.

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LOL, now we’re all stuck with consolidate on by default for no understandable reason!

You can save your default settings with it turned off.


This is good to know!

Perhaps switching to Silhouette for your paint needs? I tend to use it instead of the paint node for most of my cleanup needs these days.


Looks like turning off consolidate stopped it from re-occurring, thanks guys!