SynthEyes Export script

This one

If you run Flame from the terminal, are there any error when you run the script?

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Look like it’s installing and not finding SyPy then asking again Password

Hmmm… not sure whats happening. I’ve tested it out on two of my Mac’s and I haven’t be able to reproduce the problem you’re having.

You could do a manual copy of the Syntheyes SyPy3 folder. The SyPy3 folder is in Applications/SynthEyes. Just copy it into /opt/Autodesk/python/FLAME VERSION/lib/python3.x/site-packages. After you’ve copied it the script should skip the install process.


Solved the problem. The script won’t work with SynthEyes demo version since it doesn’t come with SyPy3.



I’ve updated this script to work with the latest version of SynthEyes. BorisFX changed the path SynthEyes is installing to which caused the script to break. The first time the script is run it now prompts for the path SynthEyes is intalled to. I also added an option to change the SynthEyes path in the script setup window. That way if an updated version of SynthEyes is installed the path can be easily changed later.



I just posted a new version of this script. I’ve added the ability to now import action nodes exported from SynthEyes, Update existing action nodes with new tracks without breaking all the connections, and if tokenized paths are set in the script setup, existing SynthEyes tracks for the current shot can be opened in SynthEyes from batch. I’ve also updated the ST Map setups the script can build to use either the UVmap matchbox or the new Flame ST Map node in 2025.

The script also now auto detects if the SynthEyes path in the file needs to be updated and fixes it.
