For anyone interested/trying to use this script on Apple Silicon there’s a little work around that has to be done to get it to work. Currently SynthEyes will immediately crash when being launched from Flame due to a conflict between Flame running on Rosetta and SynthEyes not. Running these commands in the Mac terminal provied by Russ Andersson will allow it to work properly:
This is relevant to my interests, however, JPG sequences do not have timecode so the INCREDIBLY handy new Syntheyes feature where it slips your track when you change to a different shot timing probably won’t work as well.
One of several reasons I’ve started sending PIZ EXRs to Syntheyes.
I may be mistaken but I was under the impression that Syntheyes did have a manual slip feature? But you are speaking of a more magical one based on clip metadata aren’t ya?
Just dropped a new updated version on the Portal with the ability to select a export preset. I also added the ability to export to SynthEyes from a clip in batch.
Sir @MikeV , how does one set this up for a Linux install?
I looked through the and found a note that Linux users need to manually copy a folder but there does not appear to be a file with that name at…
So a couple of things. If you’re using the latest version of the script(v2.8) which only works with python 3, you don’t need to worry about that file. There was a bug in the original file that came with SynthEyes which I fixed and included with earlier versions of the script. But this was only for python 2.7 that was used pre Flame 2022. Russ fixed that bug for python 3 so that file is no longer needed.
The only file that needs to get copied for the script to work is the SyPy3 folder which comes with SynthEyes. That folder needs to get copied into /opt/Autodesk/python/FLAME_VERSION/lib/python3.x/site-packages. BUT the script should take care of this for you. The first time you run the script in a version of Flame that the script hasn’t been run in before it will prompt you for the system password to copy the SyPy3 folder. I only have a Mac at home to test this on so I’m not 100% sure this works in Linux. The path to SyPy3 might be different. If it doesn’t work let me know and I can try to fix it. Otherwise you can just manually copy that folder, refresh the python hooks, and then the script should work.
Okay yeah so that worked. I do get an error message that SynthEys isn’t installed, but the export to custom path does pop up, I export, and SynthEyes does in fact load.
version 2.8, Rocky Linux, SyntheEyes Pro 2204. I can definitely offer TeamViewer or equivalent if you ever need access sometime. The good news is it works! Yay!! Thank you!!