Sounds like a nice option in addition to the currently available external Amulet Hotkey option.
The house I work at was just turned onto this. It looks pretty interesting. Do you have experience with it?
I do own Mac Flames. I do own an Amulet Hotkey external PCoIP host and zero client. But nobody has experience with controlling Macs in the cloud as it’s not released yet.
The tech is the same that every major studio used for years. It’s all about latency.
I’m currently using a zeroclient with the place that’s books me the most, it’s a big studio and they gave it to me to use.
At the start of the Pandemic in NYC I was unsung the Software Teradici on my Trash Can MacPro to connect and it was pretty terrible.
The zeroclient has for the most part been great but now I’m wondering since I recently got a new Mac Pro, how good is the latest version of the Software Teradici PCoIP on the Mac?
I’ll ask engineering what they think, but curious if you guys have any thoughts?
I wonder if it’s better now given what I’m sure has been exponential growth in it’s use.
Not a big deal but getting the zeroclinet and the extra keyboard off my desk would be nice:) and the fact that the Ezio CG2777 only has one DisplayPort connection so I have to unplug my Mac and use the HMDI(only 1080p on this Eizo), during the week when I’m booked is annoying. Yeah I can and did finally after 7 months, order a two-to-one DiplayPort adaptor, lol
Just been given the opportunity to test Teradici Mac to Mac.
- Once setup connection seems to be easy.
- Playback is amazing. Seems to hit 25fps easily with little to no noticeable low bit depth/rate/vsync tearing
- No sound. Was that expected? I will see what IT can solve
- All hotkeys appear to work.
- The wacom sensitivity is terrible. Best to set the pressure to constant in the paint settings. I wasn’t expecting great results this has been widely reported by other users. We are going to try a different (supported) wacom configuration later. I will report back.
Sound was fixed by someone.
I needed to change the Flame Setup and then switch the audio to PCoIP Virtual Speaker
I have a PTH-660 model wacom on its way over to my studio (garage) now.
Nah. New wacom hasn’t improved the pressure sensitivity from Mac to Mac unfortunately.
Starting to look around for some helpful suggestions if anyone has any.
From my limited knowledge, its not necessarily just the product, but, the implementation and all the stuff behind the scenes that matters to make a Teradici experience good or bad.
@PlaceYourBetts , to have Wacom pen pressure,
on the Mac side client, you need to set up USB Devices and some other voodoo.
When first installing the Teradici Software Client on macOS, it will likely require the user to enter their local admin password to allow USB redirection: without this, it will not be possible to use USB Bridge Mode to allow Wacom pressure sensitivity, so make sure that all installation prompts for authentication have been filled. Also on Catalina there is an additional requirement to authenticate the USB kernel driver.
I forget. You may need to disable csrutil in order to sell all the above.
More details here
Thanks @randy ill take a look and report back.