Smokers: I had to create a new user today.
Now when I shift J to replace a shot (on desktop), the flame automatically jumps to the next open sequence. How do I switch this off?
Flame 23.3.1
Smokers: I had to create a new user today.
Now when I shift J to replace a shot (on desktop), the flame automatically jumps to the next open sequence. How do I switch this off?
Flame 23.3.1
You sure about that Sir Thornton? Something else must be up. You created the user but did you load the user?
I’ve seen a new user created on Mac in which the settings were loaded from another user, but it still made flame hotkeys instead of Smoke Classic. It was very odd.
It’s some bug. Having the same issue at least once a month for years after switching the user.
You can double check, whether “select next clip” is mapped right, as that is the shortcut happening parallel when replacing.
Yes! I have been experiencing this a lot since the 2023 upgrade. It’s fairly random when it happens, but it’s always when I have multiple timelines open. It freaked me out until I realized that it jumps to the next open timeline. Now it just annoys me quite a bit!
In smoke keys, alt C and alt V do exactly what you are describing. I’ve never had any issues with Linux, but I have seen funky stuff with mac and creating new users
Yep. I know. Definitely not pressing that. Only shift J. It is intermittent.
I’ve gone from 2021 to 2024 and have experienced this as well. Very weird.
Same intermittent experience also with Smoke hotkeys. I think in my case it get fixed just by quitting flame and starting it back up again.