Uninformed, idiot artist-level superstition

I used to never quit out of flame after I’ve delivered something until it was the absolute last step as I was leaving the building and I’d double checked with the producer a couple of times that we were good to go. Now I just leave it up and go clean the kitchen, start dinner, etc and then come back into the office later that night and quit. Otherwise the client will come back with something you see.

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this is so real.

It’s just caused so many issues over the years… mostly black frames or corrupt bfx setups. Pure conjecture on my part but it seems to create dependencies on the machine the bfx is originally created on and if those original clips are moved or deleted, even AFTER copying across to a different box it seems to cause problems… footage never seems to cache or has “pending render” on the clips… BFX is surely an awesome tool if you are a one man band but in an environment with lots of different flames…

The Compass feature in Batch crashes the machine…

Not for me.
I love compasses!


As soon as I archive that old and dusty project and delete it, client will call about it.


I save the project and desktop rapidly three times in a row in an alternating pattern, overwriting each time before I exit flame. Always. Click click, click click, click click, click click, click click, click click.


That every Paint node is about to explode…


Modern Family Cameron Tucker GIF


I save, then I save and I always get my auto save from my write node.

Maybe I should save my desktop :thinking:


Never turn on clip history. Never. Used it when it first came out, something got corrupt, haven’t touched it since.


If it’s a heavy comp, NEVER use background reactor.

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Never use Reformat for Resolution, only Timecode changes. Corrupted a whole project 8 years ago…

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me and 13 get along just fine. It’s 4 that’ll getcha!

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If I have to switch projects, I’ll fully exit Flame. I never use the “Projects and Users” menu. Back in Fire v3 there was a big issue if you switched without exiting. I don’t think I’ve done it since! :slight_smile:


Your suspicions were justified. Since you always exit before switching, perhaps you have not noticed that even when you use the “Projects and Users” menu you are automatically exited before restarting in the new project since several versions ago.(Maybe 2020?)

In the 2015 release the entire project would become hopelessly corrupted if you exited while in batch. I still try to never do that.

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This is one of mine, too, but it’s legit. I’ve done it since the IRIX days. My coworker didn’t a while back and had an entire project red-framed for his trouble.

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Tim is right. There’s no need to be afraid of that bug anymore. The same goes for history on clips. Yes in the early days it was buggy but years later all is well.

I think the only reason I don’t use clip history these days is that it’s pretty redundant with BFX and Batch groups iterations. Back in the Smoke days pre-BFX, I’d use it all the time! The biggest problem back then was how bit clip history would make your archives!

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Personally, I always render with History. It almost never happens, but if something goes wrong, it can save your a**.