Has anyone upgraded their version of ACES? Flame 2018 (I know) has ACES 1.0 installed, we’ve been asked by a vendor to use ACES 1.3, which is fine on our Nuke boxes, but we want Flame to be able to join the party.
A new gamut compression algorithm to deal with the “blue fringe problem” some users experienced with extremely bright saturated objects (e.g. brightly colored LED lights).
Mark here at Autodesk!
I am the Support Specialist who handled your case here.
Just to clarify, as Randy mentioned, ACES 1.1 is the current version supported by Flame 2022.1 (not 1.3).
The Academy announced ACES 1.3 in May.
Agree with this 100%. OCIO support and a modular approach, so we don’t have to wait for AD to decide when we can use the newer version - however minor the improvements.
We have just moved our entire Nuke base to 1.2, although not included in the Nuke release, without any issue and will be moving to 1.3 for this new project, as the vendor has requested it.
and how do you even start dealing with what netflix etc are doing now with a showlut and a shotgrade ir sometimes multiples of that studiowide? You cant in flame.
Hi, Fred let me know about this thread and I would just like to add some detail on this topic.
ACES 1.3 is the current release and the only new feature it contains is a gamut compression algorithm that is useful to prevent colored lights (e.g. from a police car) from clipping in the ACES Output Transforms. There is a Matchbox script for a development version of this algorithm (there were some changes in the final version, but this gives you a close approximation) here: GitHub - jedypod/gamut-compress: Tools to compress out of gamut colors back into gamut.
ACES 1.2 added version 3 of the Common LUT Format (CLF) and the ACES Metadata File. Flame supports version 2 of CLF.
ACES 1.1 was the most recent release that introduced new color transforms and Flame has supported that for several years. So if you just need the current versions of the color transforms, Flame already has that.