Why are we so nice

Why is this community so great, why is everyone just friendly to newcommers or seniors asking stupid questions.

Every other vfx/post online community is pretty much just toxic.

we rock, we need to make sure this stays as is .

Love you.


F*ck off.

That’s a joke, btw. Yes, I’ve never been embarrassed to ask a question here. Very very rarely do I see anything remotely snarky, or short one word answers like “no” or “yes” (a shortcut for calling someone stupid). A warmth comes from the Logik of Flame.

Mind you, I also had some good help on the ye olde Area. My happiest memory was an installation I was doing in 2017, and I wanted to clone the Rutt

Etra effect, and within a few minutes someone (@Peter) was helping me, and also to plug it into the animator for audio. PS. Just found the old help reply on the Area, and he even did a test for me, and included a batch-attach: wish I hadn’t found that as it reminds me how much of it he did!)


It’s always the tone the elders set from the beginning and how involved they remain…

Thanks @andymilkis and @randy


I want to say because we’re grown-ups, but then I think about how much fun we’re having… We have a weird sense of humor, that’s for sure…


The encouragement and kindness here really goes a long way. I love seeing everyone help each other whether it’s some basic level task, or an overly complicated setup. Just the absolute best people here, trying to share their experience and build community.

I started out years ago working in a color suite with a bitter dude who wasn’t willing to explain any process during down time. Post is full of people like this, and I’m glad there is a place where people aren’t stodgy and pissed when someone asks a newbie question. Thanks everyone!


Yeah, olde-school brushing aside is so not this forum. I remember when I was a student back in the day, we went to media stores to pick up some kit, and there were around three groups there with overlapping questions. I remember the stores manager shouting in frustration (I can still hear him now) “this is NOT a bazar!”


The community here really is such a treasure. Especially as remote work is much more prevalent now. No remote worker is missing their old commute, but there is something to be said about all working in the same physical space with peers and mentors. In the office knowledge could just flow. This is as ideal of an environment as I could imagine for the global, always online community to share knowledge and help each other.


As a beginner I was pleasantly surprised with the support. Nobody here is getting paid to answer my dumbass questions and yet…


Also, the fact that we have real names and must of us know some others here IRL helps keep the tone “civilized” :slight_smile:


That is a big factor. Other groups that have IRL connections also have similar dynamics in my experience.

People generally don’t say nasty things to someone’s face as much as the remote keyboard warriors.

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Here’s a couple of stories from the way-back department.

When the internet was young and AOL was the IP provider of choice, a number of user groups sprung up. Among them was a pro_video group. This was a couple of years before there was even a Flint, much less Flame. It turns out most of these “pro” users did weddings and bar mitzvahs. They would puff themselves up over their pro-sumer tape decks and cameras, only to be met with vitriol from other group members. I suppose it was a harbinger of internet decorum to come. It was a welcome change when Discreet changed the landscape and started Flame News.
We had a few interesting altercations in the early Flame News. One of note was a person by the user name of Allison777 signed up for the list and selected email notifications of each posting. Most of us who used that configuration had a unique email address so that it didn’t overwhelm our inboxes that we did other business in. Others would get a weekly digest, or some other less obtrusive method of notification. At the full notification setting you could get anywhere from 10 to 100 emails in a day depending on whether we were talking about the significance of DropFrame time code or the bagels in Montreal. Allison777 posted back something to the effect of “please stop this!!!” I and another user named Toby (who may well still be among us under another name) wrote back that she shouldn’t be so hasty; that there was a lot of good information in the group and that it didn’t need to be so overwhelming. She wrote back that it was none of our business what she wanted and that Toby and I were likely gay lovers. I don’t recall the exact words, but I believe I have described it more politely. I think it was @cnoellert who pointed out that we had just witnessed the first flame on Flame News.


@ytf - maybe toby brockhurst?

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There was another incident on that flame-news group where someone accidentally replied to a post with all the details of his divorce settlement. I guess he thought he was replying to his lawyer….

So @ytf did you and Toby get hitched?

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shit happens. I don’t want to talk about it.