Choosing to continue will result in limited playback,
import and export functionalities
Continue or abort.
Selecting abort quits flame, selecting continue, flame will start but I cannot import or export and cannot connect to any of our servers.
In the shell after starting flame it shows:
Could not retrieve server info: Connection refused.
This is an issue that I had earlier in the year which went away, but has now come back.
The service shows a full set of green lights, I have restarted all the services, rebooted, run sw_restart all, but nothing works.
Any idea how to fix this?
Even Autodesk had no idea earlier in the year.
Sorry John, but it’s a linux box.
Brief history, It’s been an intermittent issue for a while and neither our IT people or AD have managed to get to the bottom of it.
I have a workaround, but it’s not ideal.
I’ve also shyed away from a full install as I still have (and use) the furnace suite of plugins, but we can no longer find the installer.
Are there other people on your network? Long shot, and a simplistic description, but here goes: When you are powered down, your ip is not visible. Someone else connects to the network with an auto-assigned ip, which happens to be yours. You power up and something in the network doesn’t recognize you. Hence, no gateway.