Install trouble with 2022 on mac

Hey gang! I’ve just installed 2022 and the software won’t start. What magic words am I missing here?

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Errors in the shell:

[INFO] Stopping daemon com.autodesk.sw_ifffs

/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.autodesk.sw_ifffs.plist: Operation now in progress

[INFO] Starting daemon com.autodesk.dl_mpd

/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.autodesk.dl_mpd.plist: service already loaded

[INFO] Starting daemon com.autodesk.sw_probed

/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.autodesk.sw_probed.plist: service already loaded

[INFO] Starting daemon com.autodesk.sw_bwmgr

/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.autodesk.sw_bwmgr.plist: service already loaded

[INFO] Starting daemon com.autodesk.sw_dbd

/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.autodesk.sw_dbd.plist: service already loaded

[INFO] Starting daemon com.autodesk.sw_ifffs

Ping to Wiretap host ‘localhost:IFFFS’ failed: Connection refused.

Ping to Wiretap host ‘localhost:IFFFS’ failed: Connection refused.

Ping to Wiretap host ‘localhost:IFFFS’ failed: Connection refused.

Ping to Wiretap host ‘localhost:IFFFS’ failed: Connection refused.

Ping to Wiretap host ‘localhost:IFFFS’ failed: Connection refused.

FATAL: Autodesk IFFFS Wiretap Server not running; Check logs.

Local Wiretap “IFFFS” service not running: Connection refused

Could not load project: Local Wiretap “IFFFS” service not running: Connection refused

What does your Applications/Autodesk/Utilities/Service Monitor look like?

Hi @digitalbanshee,

Out of curiosity, did you try to reboot your workstation?


Okay, so restart all of them and make sure they are green.

Yes, I went through the gauntlet of rebooting with csrutil disabled and enabled.

I’m unable to restart the wiretap gateway. When I try it it says “unable to restart”

What happens if you turn them all off then restart them 1 by 1?

wiretap is unable to restart. good thought though.

Have you checked the Security and Privacy settings in Mac Preferences? Maybe something from the new install needs permission there.

Poking around there, but if something needs access to something, there’s no way to know if something needs access. I didn’t get any prompts asking for access to anything.

what is the best support number for autodesk?

I’m really thinking it’s a privacy thing but so far everything has access and is checked in system prefs and it still isn’t starting.

Have you tried uninstalling all versions.

The wiretap gateway logs show it crashing over and over every few minutes. Autodesk couldn’t solve it either. Next step is to uninstall and reinstall all versions.

what OS are you on


This was a weird one. The Flame 2022 installer did not finish correctly and crashed before the option to Start the application was presented.