Do we need a “Your Flame Artist is so lazy” bad joke thread?
Your Flame Artist is so lazy when the Senior Art Director asks him to move the end graphic 3 pixels to the left - he only moves it 2.
Do we need a “Your Flame Artist is so lazy” bad joke thread?
Your Flame Artist is so lazy when the Senior Art Director asks him to move the end graphic 3 pixels to the left - he only moves it 2.
Your Flame Artist is so lazy he goes home to say goodnight to his kids BEFORE 8 pm
nice to meet you (I mean, we’ve met, but I’m doing a bit here)!
When I was first starting out my boss said, “I always like to have one lazy person on staff because they’ll figure out the most efficient way to do everything.”
Yes. Yes we do.
First it was World Regional World Renderdome Champion of the World, now it’s New User of the Month - the accolades just keep rolling in for Mr Dill!
You know you’re a lazy flame artist when you go to save your Stabilizer setup as “asdfasdfasdf” only to realize you already have a Stabilizer setup named “asdfasdfasdf.”
LOL so true. this happens quite a bit and then i capitalize one of the ‘a’ letters… Cedric Lejune of Lustre / WorkFlowers fame told me an important component of being a successful colorist is laziness as the whole endeavor is one of broad strokes and the ability to get thru shots as fast as humanly possible.
I’m no longer world champ, and Randy has yet to bestow any of the other custom titles I want, such as “Renderdome Losers Bracket” and “Northwestern Vermont Regional Renderdome Champ” so I changed it back to “new user of the month” which was pretty easy to get when there were nine people on here, but seems fancy now. Someday maybe that will be an even more coveted title than “Renderdome Champ”…
you know you’re a lazy flame artist when you’ll take longer to talk a client out of something than it would have taken to give it to them.
Yeah, ummm…you don’t REALLY need the period at the end of that sentence…do ya? I mean, it’s not like it’s a full sentence, and, yeah, I don’t think it needs it…
Thank you.
Up until last year I thought 8x Hardware Anti-Aliasing was a J.J. Abrams hate group for plus-size computers.
Sorry that one’s a stretch but it’s been a long week.
I’m more of an “aaa” and “bbb” man myself, but know when to tip my hat to a gentleman of true distinction!
. . . you cap your workday at 20 hours.
you rather do a keyable old gmask node animation roto instead of using the already proven 3d track and the tracer.
An old coach of mine used to call this “false hustle.” Ya know when you are doing 10 in 1s or 18 in 2s or suicides or down and backs or sprints or whatever its called in your world, and you jog the whole time but only sprint the last 5 seconds or so and huff and puff and stomp your feet so loud to make it seem like you are trying really hard but aren’t? yeah thats me and asdfasdfasdf.
Surely when you get your assist to do the work whilst you go to the pub.