ZCentral Audio

Hi All

Anybody having issues with not getting audio over ZCentral hosted on a P620 Threadripper?
Any help or suggestions would be gratefully received.



In Flame Setup, my Audio Device is set to PulseAudio.


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Yes mine too but no luck. I have tried remoting from both PC and Mac but no luck so guessing not the receiver.

Was there any special configure shenanigans when you installed on your Threadripper?

Sorry, Iā€™m not on a Threadripper, but I am using ZCentral.
I was just throwing out the one thing I know.
Here are my ZCentral Audio settings:

Screen Shot 2023-02-27 at 10.31.45 AM

Ha! Problem solved. I thought it had to be on 44KHz but no.

Thanks for sorting me out.
