No NAB means free stuff for you on behalf of our sponsors. Anyone that shares a 2 Sentence Tip in this thread will be automatically entered in next week’s drawing during Logik Live. That’s Sunday, September 20th.
what about haiku
would those be acceptable
asking for a friend
a divided fill
is independent of it’s
matte’s activities
1)If your fill and matte are working in concert use a multiplied fill.
2)If they are working independently, use a divided fill.
I can’t compete with Andy’s beautiful haiku, but this is one of my favorite quick tips:
To slip a batch comp, right click on the last node, create BFX, and offset the timing on the BFX clip. Then right click on the BFX, explode FX, and witness your life change forever.
For all the Flame on Mac users who can’t seem to find all the files normally exist on Linux at “usr/discreet/…”. The next time you boot up your Mac press “command+shift+.(period)” and look into the hidden file directory “/opt/Autodesk/”.
Master tracking. That makes everything else easier.
Still the best tip/trick ever recorded. Please accept my unending gratitude.
@Maurypb you misspelled “outsource.”
When regraining comp
Check each channel in viewer
Especially blue
@andy_dill how’d I do??
one for the newbies who need to do a freeze frame…a single keystroke everywhere else.
It’ll be more than 2 lines, but it is what it is…Flame ain’t simple.
create a gap fx on the layer above your video, hit x to put a cut in the gap fx above the frame you want to freeze, select the gap fx, create BFX, add a Mux node between source and bfx output nodes, select Freeze current Frame. You can then Exit bfx and drag out the length of the frozen frame to whatever you need. Make sure you keep the frozen frame above the video track…if you move the gap fx, the freeze will affect whatever video is below that frame. It does not retain the frozen media.
if you assume the page is ultrawide, then this could be two lines!
In batch, if you have a nice key/CC pipeline you want to apply to a lot of other layers, like a motion control shot with lots of takes…
You can select the branch with Alt-clicking the last node, duplicate the branch with CTRL-D, then replace you source clip, by selecting your new layer’s clip and CTRL-SHIFT dragging on to the current source. You should see a red drop arrow when you hover over the current source, when you let go your new clip is connected as the source for the branch.
Let me know if you need a video…
Hmm… I can’t get that to work…mind showing me?
If you need to expand the edges of an image in action as a mirror, change your image to bilinear/bicubic/perspective and adjust the x and y extrapolation. If you need something less uniform, change your selector to Move UV/Vertex, and with the crop under extrapolation highlighted, pull the corner points and/or tangents out.
@Lightningad I don’t know why I’ve always done it this way, and I’m not saying it’s better, or any less steps or faster, but this would help your retain frozen media issue.
I make two cuts using x in a gap layer one frame apart. Right click, hard commit the frame, add a Time Warp soft effect, set it to 0% and drag it out.
Interesting! Will remember that method…
however, i find it useful my way because its usually the final frame of a tvc that needs a 10s freeze, and very often have to swap out store logos at the last minute so it helps having something that can dynamically update the freeze when i change things.
Wait… what? A 10 second freeze?
all tvcs in Uk must have a 10s freeze at the end, and we cannot have audio in the first 6 or last 6 frames either…so all those edits i get from other countries that fill every frame with sound all need re-editing & remixing.
really annoying because i have had rejections because i was a frame out…even though the freeze will never ever be broadcast…but thats the spec so it has to be adhered to!
That’s bs. Think of all the data that wastes!