Batch Nodes Disappear

Hi all,

I’m wondering if any of you have seen this one…
Another artist was using a workspace on my machine, and then I needed to restart. He logged out, I restarted, all seemed to go as usual… Then when he reopened his workspace, the batch in which he had been working in was void of nodes. All of the clips were there, but not-a-node in sight… Has anyone seen this one? Flame 2021.2.1

I’ve seen it, but not in a few years. Yikes.

Try loading the last saved text-setup batch version. I believe by default Flame saves these every time you hit iterate. I’m OCD when I iterate and save batches now because of this bug. Hit iterate> overwrite, then hit the save text version > overwrite, then hit Meta-W save the batch group.

@andy_dill I too am OCD when it comes to interations and saving… unfortunately somehow this paranoia is not something I’ve been able to pass on to the young padawan. I’ve seen this issue before when unarchiving old batches, but never on a current project… I will live in fear for many nights…