Hey all,
I’m working on a longform project in 2021.1. All has been going well but suddenly I’ve lost the ability to split my build with my ref! I can select the primary (now labeled “Compare Off”) and secondary video tracks, but I can’t do ANY kind of split. If I try, the compare mode indicator goes back to “compare Off” but if I select the pulldown box the split mode I wanted is checked. Have I accidently turned off something?
I think you might be looking in the newly “old” location- aka the viewing settings panel. You now set that by right clicking the track in the timeline itself.
I am confident that this isn’t the problem. The “old” Smoke method of selecting Primary & secondary tracks still work (select the track number via the numeric keypad and then hit the “primary” or “secondary” button). I can tell that the proper channels have been selected by looking at the indicator in both the timeline and the selector in the upper right of the viewing window. Also, the proper tracks are displayed when I hit the “primary” or secondary “buttons”. However, when I get in this morning, I will give it a try.
Anyone have any other ideas I could try? The facility I’m at has an “interesting” proprietary system for managing users and projects so simply “making a new user” isn’t easy. However, If I can’t figure out another way around this issue I’m going to give that a try.
Thanks again,
I can confirm that “right clicking” to set primary or secondary does NOT solve my problem. I still am unable to do any kind of split or compare. I’m now attempting to get a new user made for me. I’ll let you know how it goes!
Every now and then this pops up for me, I think. Make sure you have a Checkmark next to both your Primary and Secondary in this window…
Turns out the problem was a corrupt user. Once I had engineering clear out the existing one and built a new setup everything was fine.
Thanks for all the help,
Glad you got it resolved! Those kinds of problems can be the most confusing and also not so satisfying to solve since it’s so hard to pinpoint the real cause of the problem.
Sorry that happened. It feels like start a new user is way too often the solution. It’s why I never bother changing any short cuts, but my pen.
This has been happening to me all too frequently in 2021. I have to make a new user to fix it. I’m on my 9th user
Ya, I have to contact support, I keep losing the “hold down a key to high light node”. like a key for action. My short cut for node bin doesn’t work. Make a new user, it’s fixed.
We have reproduced this issue on our side. It happens when you used the shortcuts to display the Previous/Next/Current Grabbed References when there is no Grabbed Reference.
The workaround is to select the “Secondary Track” item in the Reference drop down button located to the right of the Compare Mode button in the Player.
Hey Michael, has this popped up for you again? I’ve had this happen several times to me, and believe its not actually a corrupt user. I’ve had success with Fred’s work around.
Thanks Zac but it was a bad user. Normally I’d make a new user first thing, but I happen to be at facility that has a custom setup for framestore management and user profiles. I couldn’t make a new one without a lot of engineering calls.
Hope all is well with you,
There is a bug in 2021 whereby if your Media Panel is set to List mode and you have thumbnails turned on, the node highlight breaks (it highlights and instantly un-highlights.) If that’s what you’re experiencing, a temporary workaround is to set the thumbnails to ‘None’ if you’re in List view, or switch to Tiles view.
Known bug, should be fixed in the next version.
I just ran into this again, and to my dismay it wasn’t from the Primary or Secondary tracks coming unset. It was however from me turning off the split bar compare inside a module (ctrl-b in Smoke Classic hotkeys.) I turned the split bar back on and was once again able to blend my primary and secondary tracks out in the timeline.
Nice of you to report back! Good to know!
Things like this make the forums better and better.
Thanks, that was my problem indeed. Now I know how to fix it.
Howdy friends, in case this is helpful, I just lost my ability to cycle through the Compare nodes in Flame 2021.2.1 using the F15/Pause key.
On Big Sur, Flame 2021.2.1, I first made sure I was using an Autodesk-104 key keyboard in the Flame / Preferences / Keyboard Shortcuts.
Then in the “Show Viewing Settings” I clicked on the Grab button here…
And that returned my ability to cycle through the Compare Nodes whilst conforming.
This issue has been fixed in Flame 2022.
And, fun fact, if you are using Teradici Software Client, on a Mac running Big Sur trying to connect to a Linux machine for example, and some of these hotkeys aren’t working, be sure to bridge your keyboard to the host by choosing it in the Connection / USB Devices / Show Human Interface Devices and connect your tablet and keyboard for best hotkey performance and pen pressure sensitivity.