Connected Conform - Current Feature Requests

Hi Everyone!

In association with this week’s Logik Live - here are my current feature requests related to Connected Conform. Let me know what you think and upvote if you could use it!

Need a Color legend / label what color codes mean

Update segment color when updating sources sequence

Add ‘Connected Segments’ criteria to Timeline Search

Export Token for Source Timecode on Movie Exports

Force resolution of sources sequence / shot sequence

Option to ignore virtual sources when creating/updating sources sequence

Timeline Search - Filter for missing media

Lock or “Do Not Sync” specific Timeline FX

This last one may be irrelevant now that I just sync individual effects and not the whole segment. If it was implemented you could exclude specific effects (resize) from updates when syncing the whole segment and then you don’t have to worry about blowing away your repo’s for social media resolutions.


As You Wish Cary Elwes GIF by filmeditor


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Would this be the search for Unlinked media that you can do now?

This is different than “Unlinked Media” - it’s when the media is linked but the uncached source file is missing so you get the checkerboard frame.

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I don’t think the last one is irrelevent. I often find a need for this when I want to copy everything BUT one item.