Dealing with Log footage / Colour Management / Canon R5

Here you go. LUT that converts from Dgamut/Dlog to ArriWideGamut/LogC. (2.0 MB)

In the archive, you find 3 .cube luts. They are the same, except the dimension they were created with, Flame should work just fine with 33x, but if anything went wrong try the other two. LUTs should be applied in CMS node (or whatever it called) in the first step, and not with apply LUT node (if my memory serves me well there is two different nodes old and the new one, you will need new).

Hope this helps.


Hey Val

The LUTS work. Thank you. I’m still not sure what to do after applying the LUT. But I’ll figure it out. I don’t want to waste any more of your time. You’ve been a great help. Thank you.

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This LUT just converts DJI footage to ALEXA color space. After applying you should treat your shot like ALEXA LogC - convert to ACEScg for comp, or to ACEScct for grade in you use ACES workflow. Or convert to rec709 with standard Alexa LUT. Or some “creative” one you get somewhere.

It’s better to watch LogikLive episode I made with Andy about “introduction to color management”, should answer some of your questions.

PS Feel free to ask, it’s a pleasure for me to help.


Ok cool. Thank you.

I’ll definitely watch it.

@val I am so thankful you are here. You have such a thoughtful and generous way of leaning in and sharing. You are inspiring. We are way better because of you.

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Thanks, It`s a pleasure to help.


I’ve just had exactly the same DJI question. Thanks so much Val

Logik members are amazing!