As workaround, you can always start Flame in single monitor and enable “HDMI/DVI” Broadcast in the preferences to use the second screen as a broadcast monitor. I know this is not the same as having a true multi-monitor setup, but it could perhaps be a viable alternative.
Note that we’ve seem similar issues in the past. Please contact support if you have not already done so. Your issue might be related to a known issue (FLME-61026).
The other good option is instead of two monitors, get one of the new super-ultra wide monitors. They’ve become a lot more affordable.
This from a 49" Dell on a MacStudio which has the equivalent resolution of two 27" monitors, but without seam in the middle. Much more versatile on how you split up your space. Then you can still have a broadcast monitor on the wall if you need additional color accuracy.
3-up view with batch, action, and image viewer, each of them quite large (each of the 3 views about 14" wide)
That would be a good idea if I didn’t have a perfectly good working eizo and studio monitor that I would rather not bin, I just wished it worked fine just like every other app that I run it’s only flame that seems to have the issue which is what my issue is
Totally understand. I retired two perfectly working NEC Spectraviews when getting this monitor. Would do it any day again. Having a single wide screen is a game changer in usability. I always used to scootch mu chair in front of the left as primary and then had to look over to the right for the secondary. A seam in the middle is just an issue. Without you have many more options in dividing up the real estate.
Dual Monitor setup - Mac Studio M1 - Sonoma 14.3.1 - Flame 2024.2.1 - Neither mouse nor wacom will work with Flame. I can move the mouse, but no clicky.
Resolve, Premiere, Avid all fine. Anything that I am missing?
if your monitors are different resolutions make sure the primary monitor is the higher resolution one that fixed all the problems for me, example I have an Eizo and Apple Studio and I need to make the studio the primary in the OS
So experimenting with this as well. Ezio for the main screen because of its size and a MacbookPro monitor as the utility for scopes and library and of course I’m getting the same issue.
I have learned flame and macOS for that matter don’t like two different monitor specs and you see glitches and causes all kinds of headaches , I ditched that experiment and just went ultra wide and haven’t had any issues since
Dual monitor setups with a mix of retina and non-retina displays are currently not supported, unless the main display is used for the UI and the second display is used as a broadcast monitor.