Just upgraded to 2025 - Creating files with embedded mattes same as I have always done and suddenly the alpha channel isn’t being exported - anyone run into this?
i can’t even export a png sequence with alpha…
works for me.
exporting in a different project worked
working for me too…
It’s not the Mark In/Out thing interfering with alpha export again is it?
No. Literally just changing projects was the solve. I suspect it’s a bug somewhere because it’s now happening on 2 separate projects.
It is also working as expected on my side.
Have you brought in your content from your original project to your new project and exported OR started from scratch? There is no much project related that could break this.
One project was all original content, initiated in 2025. Another project was initiated in 2025, but had elements that were unarchived from a project started in 2023.3 - however I was able to export this particular file by just bringing the clip into a new project and exporting from there.
oh also i’m on a mac if that matters…
Well, not clear what is the root cause of the issue but happy to hear you were able to export your content as RGBA. if you happen to investigate the issue and find a case please open a ticket with out Support team and provide them a clip in an archive so they can investigate the problem.
Stupid question, but is it possible the export preset is configured wrong in one project and correct in the other?
in both cases its just the stock prores 4444 preset (with confirmation that include alpha is on)
Bumping this thread again. Running into this issue again - I’ve tried every flavour of prores 4444, pnga, exr, none of them will embed the alpha.
It seems to be a corruption with the project - creating a new one seems to solve the problem. super frustrating.
Ensure that you have not enabled export within marks or whatever the phrase is.
This preference gets stored on a per project basis
Hum… never seen a “project corruption” that would not allow exporting RGBA. But feel free to prove me wrong by opening a ticket with our Support team and provide them hat they need to reproduce the issue. If we cannot reproduce the issue then it is not easy to provide a fix.