I want a feature removed

alan is the only person who is genlocking himself to his alarmclock.

personally I like to wake up freesync


there are also a lot of hardware devices that people use that dont even have a physical TC/Genlock INPUT

mini monitor 3G and all these small ones dont even have it… so it not detecting dtv sync is like… yea bro , and thats on the supported list! same witthe the AJA T-TAP

i mean at the very very least default to freesync if a device without TC ins are detected or something :smiley:

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idk how I can get a link to this feature request but there you go :slight_smile:

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Link to FL-03355

I made this feature request 2 months ago which basically covers some additional improvements too. The whole init.cfg is ancient.
Watch the screen recording in my feature request.


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