Using the Image node on the timeline to set looks in live sessions, create references, etc etc… Don’t judge
Something I’ve come across has got me stumped. Since Image is a crippled Action in respects, I can’t find a “matte off” option like one would have in Action. This is annoying mostly when receiving an EXR render that has an embedded matte that’s being unused.
Image sees that matte and punches the image out over black. Can’t find any options to turn it off. Is there a MX hack that will force white thru the matte channel? This may be feature request territory…
If you add a MX-Matte Viewer matchbox and reorder so, it’s before the Image node, the matte channel gets overridden as white and you can grade to your heart’s content. Keep in mind, you can only use this workflow with the blue Image node and not with the green one, as matchboxes are added after those…
I don’t have a good test case at hand, but I would see if that takes care of it:
When you click on the selective in Image, then under controls you have access to the Matte input. In batch you can actually receive multiple input mattes that way. In the timeline you are hardwired to a single one (Media 0). By default it’s actually ‘off’ but you change it.
In the Shader tab of Mastergrade, there a ‘Selective’ dropdown, which defaults to Matte, but can be changed to White and Black. That might also be a route to disable the matte.
Yes @johnt! Usually it’ll be within a batch, and I’ll hit Space + 4 as a workaround… I think there was another thing I would use to work around that bug…
@johnt I think I found a solve for the Image issue. Go back to the Node bin and select the “0” layer (or what would be the back in an Action). When you’re tinkering with selectives, the layer automatically changes to whatever layer your mattes are on, and changes your Front view to the selected layer.