Starting menu projects greyed out

I just posted this on Autodesk Flame Forum, just in case someone else is encountering this new issue:

This is new and quite annoying, it happened in our small facility this weekend:

One of my assistant was preparing keys on his Mac using our only Flame license, of course, it was the only one running.
On the Service Monitor, the Wiretap Server (or) the Wiretap Gateway is red and no matter what we do to restart, it remains red, so we had to restart the Mac and then it works, but on the Starting Menu where you choose the project, all projects are greyed out.

The solution was to create a new project and import manually everything, this happened on a Mac mini, and on an Impc Pro freshly installed.

So this happened two times in one weekend, on two projects, on two machines.

I tried :…

But the the files I have to alter in /etc/exports auto_master are impossible to edit



Have you enabled the full disk access permission in the Mac security settings?

The Flame installer is not permitted to do that, you have to manually do it. As of 2025 it will remind you, but remains a manual post install task on Mac.

That could explain what you’re experiencing.