Keying from dpx cineon

actually why are u so agressive with this RTFM, when you don’t know a back story of the person you are talking to?
I’m doing right now a 3min pilot for my feature film. I’ve got funds for it but not enought to hire people to help me with all tasks. So I payed the shoot (63peaple in the crew) and I’m trying to do all the rest by my self. I did a F** story board, a F** animatik, a F** art bords, F** 3D backgrounds - had to learn Blender from scrach for it. and now I have my blue F** material and the key is crap. It’s not like I’ve never made a Key before but never worked with a Log material (on Flame) and fill lost in the moment when I should fill most confidant.
So please don’t “RTFM” here.
this comunity is not about it


He wasn’t talking to you. Enhance your calm.

That escalated quickly.

I deal with sony a lot and one quick helpful thing I have found is to change the viewing rules since it defaults aren’t very good, so go into preferences/ Colour Mgmt/ Viewing Rules click create rule and under the view transform switch that to Sony Type A then under allowed color choose SLog2 Gamut daylight or maybe you know the specifics of the camera and can adjust those but that is typical of some of the stuff I get and it looks a lot better than the default, you also then need to make sure all your clips are tagged Sony Slog daylight when you bring them in so you can easily switch the viewer to see it in the correct transform. Let me know if you have any questions, and no you don’t have to RTFM , we are here to help this is what this community is all about.

I’m assuming Sam is talking to me please don’t worry about it. Sam and I know one another and get along well.

He was the first person to show me a keying setup that deals with edge detail and color in an intelligent and procedural way. He is a legend and I have learned a ton from him.

I’m salty because I didn’t see his keying techniques until last year and had been doing things poorly and wrong for the previous 20 years of my career.

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The basic definition of a “good fill” is the chroma key plate with no green or blue screen, and all the semi-transparent colors (out of focus areas, motion blur, edges, hair, etc…) are their correct and true color and not a mix of their native color and green.

The CG equivalent is a divided fill (most software, including Flame calls this an “un-pre-multiplied” fill) where all color is full strength and pushed out to the edges of the matte, regardless of transparency.

I can post an example later, but a the reason I’ve become the angry guy on this thread is because creating this “good fill” is a tremendous amount of work with no clearly correct way to accomplish the goal.

sorry EveryOne I’ve lost my temper, stress and tiredness I suppose


Painting fingers is the best part of the job! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hahaha. Every time I do it I fall into a zen state where I attempt to invent ways to proceduralize the process. I have spent months of my life thinking about this and my brain just goes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I suppose I should be grateful it cannot yet be streamlined. More work for all of us is good. :smiley:

Sorry for the arrogant tone. I can see you’re stressed. It sounds like a very ambitious project.
If you want to upload some of footage with a background that’s ready to go, I can try to give you back a sample script that you can use as a template for the rest of your show.

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Thanks Andy, I’ve learned a lot from you as well. Huge respect. Sorry if I was a jerk.

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Oh dude, alllll good! I was the one who came out of the gate hot in this thread. Haha.

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that would be helpfull!! thanks a lot. how much would you charge for it?

is there any tutorial in the internet-cosmos with that?

I think Tony Lions does a really great job explaining things in general. The whole advanced keying series he put up is great.

As I explained in email that I’m happy to have a look for free. I don’t have time to take another job right now.

To be clear, I’m just going to set up your color space and key. If the shot requires a lot of roto/tracking, I’ll leave that to you.

I have 2023.1 installed right now. I hope that version works for you.

I’m sure there are others here who would also take a crack at it, and you could pick the one that makes the most sense for you.

You could always thank us in the credits of the film, if you find it useful.

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I don’t know.
I seem to have hijacked the thread somewhat given that I don’t have nice answers beyond “spend a lot of time on the fill” which is about as useful a tip as “make sure the computer is turned on”.

I mostly use Paint to fill in all the semi-transparent areas with pure color. Just frame by frame dragging the color out over and over. Tap, tap, tap, tap. It’s very slow. I posted a pic of what this would look like in a perfect world, but is usually looks much sloppier in practice.

My favorite keying tutorial is this one.. It’s in Nuke, but most of the concepts translate.

@yola this tutorial might help. High End Chroma Keying - YouTube

shout out to Mihran Stepanyan for the tutorial if he’s on here!