Learning license for Flame?

Hello. I’m wanting to get my producer set up on her laptop using Flame just to review clips, make shot lists, etc. Not for any actual comping work. (Quicktime player has issues with some clips from clients, not showing frame numbers, etc.)
Is there any kind of learning edition or something so that I don’t have to shell out $600/month for that?


If it is for reviewing, making notes and shotlists, I would think flame or flame assist is overkill.
Software like Assimilate Play Pro Studio has a bunch of neat features like exporting PDF reports with notes and thumbnails and it starts instantaneously and can display all the metadata. Seems more suited for jobs like that and a permanent license is $299 (or $39/month)

Agree – flame assist may be overkill for just viewing / replacement for Quicktime player.

What about cineSync Play (free standalone player) ? It shows frame numbers and you can add notes and export to pdf as well. The UI is “not ugly” – which is something that producers seem to take into consideration. :face_with_monocle:

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Thanks everyone. I like the idea of flame assist because my profucer could scene detect an offline or stringout, notch it up, name the segments, add markers and notes, etc., — and send me that archive for immediate use.

The other softwares do sound very nice with the pdf exports…. Does FA have any feature like that?

You can use shotSheetMaker. A python script by @MikeV. You can grab it from the portal or here Shot Sheet Maker — Flame Python Scripts

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