Add the node to Action schematic, all good. Click on another node and click back, the controls labels change. 2 x Master, 2 x Shadows. Doesnt affect the controls themselves, but its damn annoying. Think your tweaking the shadows, your fiddling the highlights.
@marky753 No is not an official Autodesk channel and just like Facebook we are not obligated to monitor it. Some employees do from time to time, but to get your defects investigated and possibly fixed you need to report them to our support team
The link is available from within Flame, from the Menu at the bottom right of the screen, under the Help submenu.
I’m using Flame 2021.0.1 and I’m not getting that behavior in action. Whenever talking about a bug like this you should mention your version name. Could be something to do with the version of Flame you’re using or something to do with the machine you’re using. That’s the kind of stuff you’d iron out with Autodesk when you open a ticket with them.